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Theoretical background of the project

Neolithic societies in Europe are primarily defined by their shift to food production, with agriculture acting as a driving force linking these communities to sedentism [1,2]. However, recent advances in biomolecular studies have led to a “mobility turn” in archaeological research, encouraging a fresh focus on movement within these societies [3]. This shift has been pivotal in refining rigid social models, acknowledging that migration was part of the behaviour of early Neolithic settlers, possibly driven by prestige-related factors [7].

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Conférence inaugurale du projet MOBILITH

à l’occasion de la réunion de lancement du projet ANR MOBILITH (Projet N° ANR-24-CE27-1795-01), nous organisons une conférence inaugurale qui réunira deux grandes spécialistes de la question de la mobilité chez les premières populations agropastorales d’Europe centrale : Dr. Penny Bickle (Université de York) et Dr. Daniela Hofmann (Université de Bergen).


Conférence ouverte à tous, le lundi 3 février 2025, de 16h30 à 18h30 à l’Institut Michelet, en anglais.

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A propos des conférencières

About the Speakers : Conférence inaugurale du projet MOBILITH : Conférence inaugurale du projet MOBILITH

Inaugural Conference of the MOBILITH Project

On the occasion of the kick-off meeting of the ANR MOBILITH project (Project No. ANR-24-CE27-1795-01), we are organizing an inaugural conference that will bring together two leading experts on mobility among the early agro-pastoral populations of Central Europe: Dr. Penny Bickle (University of York) and Dr. Daniela Hofmann (University of Bergen).

The conference is open to all and will take place on Monday, February 3, 2025, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Institut Michelet, in English.

To facilitate access control to the building, please confirm your attendance by emailing